What sets a good mediator apart from the rest? Those who are successful lawyers in the legal field can explore the field of mediation though professional training from centres that provide certifications in Hong Kong. Being knowledgeable about being a mediator before getting in to the field can help you – getting advice from professionals who are already doing well in the field is helpful too. Find about the professional requirements that are necessary to be become a qualified registered mediator in Hong Kong too.
Good Listening And Communication Skills
The ability to listen is a very important skill – it will also make the parties who are part of the conflict feel that their voices are being heard during a difficult time. Mediation courses from registered bodies provide quality training in listening and communication so that potential mediators can develop the necessary skills to be successful. It is also important to be aware of body language and how the people who are within the conflict respond – additionally you will need know how to explain more complicated issues that can arise.
Negotiation Skills
Good negotiating skills are very valuable – since the conflicting parties need help in finding a common ground. Mediators should communicate clearly on how the issues should be resolved and what decisions can be made. CPD also known as continuing professional development is necessary for further career advancement too, where your skills can be improved upon. You will also gain a certain number of points that will help your professional advancement. Additionally, be aware of the HKIAC mediation regulations that need to be adhered to.
Ability to Remain Objective
Mediators are meant to remain unbiased without being swayed by personal opinion or emotions when looking at conflict resolution. A good mediator will allow both parties to air their opinions and allow them say what is relevant to the situation. Do take part in CPD courses or seminars, which can help you sharpen your skills too. CPD is an important part of being a registered mediator and participating in CLE at The Profectional Company or seminars from an approved institution will help you gain the necessary points.
Understanding The Issue Of Conflict
Being able to understand the conflict that has been initiated and knowing what ideal techniques to apply to make the situation to progress is very important. Being equipped with valuable debate knowledge and attention to detail is helpful. However, being able to understand the needs of both parties and being able to communicate how the issues can be resolved are some key traits.